Saturday, December 6, 2014

5 Actionable takeaways from 5 tips to maximize customer acquisition via Growth Hacking

1) Hustle to grow

Try things

Hustle, do the work ,engage people

Engage in social media and in person

2) Design growth into your sales funnel/process

Dropbox rewarded those who referred with extra space

Jay Abraham, the Billionaire maker, said that the ballsiest referral system out there is to incorporate referral as a way to getting into business with you

a script I know is "We would like to ask to be referred to two people in your network who would benefit from our services because we spend most of our time in serving our customers and thus have very little time to market our business. And the way we grow is through referrals."

Use the tweet/share to download or access. I believe there a free app out there ;)

3) Talk to your customer

Make a survey form

Have a freeform where they can elaborate and write long on their answers

You can never really know what you will learn until you ask
This is working smarter vs harder

4) Make a community

i suggest you take a peek at they have a very good course on how to build and engage a community

Talk to them where they're at. Be it in chamber meetings, quora, forums, or facebook groups.

Start a community of your own where they can ask questions and post suggestions. Social media groups - like a faebook group, meetups - use meetup or eventbrite or whatever

5) Test Ideas 

Just like in customer development testing your assumptions, setting criterias, learning what you should continue doing and what you should change

Just because some guru said it means it would work test the riskiest assumptions first, customer development says. So that you could test fast and learn fast

It also make things a lot less daunting and more doable

Testing gives a sense of just do it and let's see what happens vs we'll launch this product and it'll be perfect then perfect never got finished and got pushed aside along the way

Javelin has a very nice actionable canvas for customer development ;)

Saturday, November 29, 2014

4 takeaways from The Many Characteristics of a Content Hacker

1) Add images to all that you post online

- Be it be a blog article, a facebook post, a twittr post

- Chances of getting audience attention is increased dramatically

- And your post take more area compared to purely text posts because of the photo

- A good source is google search images > search tools > filter by usage rights 

2) Start your posts with a number

- They stand out in search engines

- Some blogs claims that a large part of their audience comes from people viewing list posts

3) Consider writing longer copy

- google ranks articles with 2,400+ words higher

- but of course make it relevant and helpful to the keyword your targetting ;)

4) Give Value

- by giving value 37signals had a major book deal

- by giving value copyblogger grew their audience and how people approach internet marketing now

- by giving value KISSmetrics gained a lot of audience and backlinks causing them to rank higher in search engines

- what value can you give?

Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Best Marketing Advice EVER by Steve Jobs | Apple Motivation Inspiration

In this video Steve Jobs introduces Mac's new add campaign (back then) (I don't know what era this video is).

In the video Jobs stated that, "Marketing is about values"

It is about being really clear on what we want them to know us for.

He identifies Nike as a great brand who have successfully utilized this concept.

That Nike hardly even talks about their product.

What they talk about is how they honor great athletes.

For me this is somewhat similar to what Chet Holmes said.

To get to the much broader scope of your industry.

And to become a market /industry expert and not merely a product expert.

Because market/industry education marketing is much more convincing to the larger part of the market compared to talking about the product.

It also reminds me about the Begin with Why model of Simon Sinek.

I can't directly point it out but I can sense some very well polished used of NLP in his speech. Great use of anchors with change in tonality and gestures.

Then the use of metaphors and story telling to induce states.

And ambiguity not really going into the detail of things.

Glenn Osborn pointed out that Jobs is a great NLP practitioner.

Do you know what NLP is?

Are you curious to know more about Chet Holmes' teachings and strategies?

If so let me know in the comments and I'll make an article for that

Saturday, November 15, 2014

16 Amazing USP (Unique Selling Proposition) And Why They're Awesome

We're going to run down some awesome Unique Selling Proposition and tell you why they're great.

1) Avis

"We're number two. We try harder."

Why it's great:

It addresses a common problem of customers dealing with industry number one's in any industry.

And that is: they're so great, big and busy that they don't give that much effort anymore. Some of them have gone comfortable and complacent on they're thrones.

If you head on to their twitter acoount:

You'll see that they're doing a lot for their customers: doing contests, giving surprise upgrades, and returning gadgets that we're accidentally left by customers on their rented cars!

Now that's customer service.

2) FedEx Corporation

"When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight."

Why it's great:

This is an absolute game changer in it's industry.

It's speed, continence, and a very strong bold guarantee rolled into one!

3) DeBeers

"A diamond is forever."

Why it's great:

This too is a game changer.

It leveraged their product's inherent quality and aligned it to the all important wedding proposal and created a whole new industry and cultural practice of it's own.

4) Jetblue Airline

"JetBlue offers flights to 80+ destinations with free inflight entertainment, free brand-name snacks and drinks, lots of legroom and award-winning service."

Why it's great:

Many destinations how much? 80+. When it comes to USPs being specific with numbers boost claims and make them more persuasive.

Many? that sounds like 3 or more maybe. Maybe a dozen.

No Ma'am Sir it's 80+ destinations. Now that's really many.

With a lot of freebies and oh did they mention that legroom and that award they've won.

Specific number, freebies (that might also be given free by competitors but not said so, like many guarantees), addressing a common customer pain (a lot of legroom) and authority (award-winning, these guys could be trusted and is topnotch).

5) Domino's Pizza

"You get fresh, hot pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or less or it's free.."

Why it's great:

No it's not necessarily delicious, no it's not necessarily the best one out there and no it's not necessarily the cheapest.

Can you imagine using this in your business to beat competitors with lower prices!

It focuses on what the market wants and not on what the business owner wants. It focuses on the demand, on the loophole, on the frustration of the market.

What really matters is what really important to them (your customers).

And it's not just fast it's 30 minutes or less and with a very bold "or free" guarantee!

6) Safelite AutoGlass

"If you have a broken windshield you may need a repair or replacement. Trust America's auto glass experts Safelite® - call us 24 hours a day or book an ...."

Why it's great:

Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service

Then add a Quick Response "24 hours a day" call-ability.

Baboom! one bold amazing USP!

7) Mast Brothers Chocolate

"we’re from the 18th century, back when craftspeople were revered and took pride in working with their hands."

Why it's great:

Tradition, heritage and craftsmanship may not be important to the price haggler down the street.

But for the Chocolate Connoisseur in the long black limousine that's of top importance.

So who would you rather serve and please?

8) World’s Strongest Librarian

Get Stronger, Get Smarter, Live Better...Every Day

Why it's great:

World's strongest librarian? now that's an unusual claim.

Can being a bookish, studious, intelligent person be really that healthy and strong?

9) TOMS Shoes

they give a new pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair you purchase.

Why it's great:

Looking to buy a good pair of shoes? Want to part and contributor to a cool social movement at the same time?

Then look no further.

It's like hitting two birds in one stone.

10) IttyBiz

Marketing for businesses without marketing departments

Why it's great:

So your a small business you say? You know that you really need to get around marketing to be really successful, don't you?

But you don't have the resources to get someone else to do it for you and you don't have much time to study it.

Then here's Ittybiz, for those solopreneurs and small businesses.

11) Tinybuddha

simple wisdom for complex lives"

Why it's great:

I would really like to get advice about my life/relationships/career but I'm finding it difficult to find advice that is simple and true. Is that you?

12) Philosopher's notes

ore wisdom in less time

Why it's great:

Really want to read that thick spiritual/philosophical book but have little time and energy to do so. Then how about some summaries and did they mention that it also comes in audiobook form so that you can listen while you jog.


We are a small crew of skilled craftsmen from Latvia who use our heritage of craftsmanship handed down through many generations to design and create ...

Why it's great:

Heritage of craftsmanship handed down through many generations 


Quality + Tradition + Heritage + Luxury + Handcrafted + Precision + Mastery + Uniqueness + Scarcity + Uniqueness + Expertise....

Ah you get the point :)

4 Hour Work Week

teaches you how to escape the 9-5, live anywhere, and join the new rich.

Why it's great:

Sick of the rat race? Don't trust Robert Kiyosaki recommending joining that slimy MLMers group? 

Certainly there's something better, much cooler, hipper for the new Millenium!

Then read the book :)


A track record you can trust. 
On the Mac, PC, iPhone/iPad, Android and via email.
No “IT Guy” required.

Why it's great:

Wow! other companies use them and they're the big ones. They must be really good. - Social Proof

And they've been around for quite some time.

Can be access through a variety of devices good! Some of my staff are solid PC users while some are solid Mac users.

No IT Guy required? Awesome I don't want to hire another guy/gal to be on my team. That saving alone makes this all worth it.


"Fleisher’s is an old-fashioned butcher shop that carries ONLY pastured meats from animals raised on small, local, sustainable farms. These animals have never been given antibiotics or hormones and have a strictly vegetarian diet. By working in partnership with local farmers we guarantee our rigorous standards are always carefully maintained. This obsession with animal care and quality ....

Why it's great:

Old-fashioned - ah! that time when everything was so much better, richer and had a lot more quality.

Well this one really communicates itself. So is quality, no chemicals, animal care and supporting local people sound good to you?

Any addition to the list you can think of? do let me know over the comments below :D

How this Simple but Clever Marketing Campaign worked for Coca Cola and how it can work for your business

Do you know your customers name?

In his Classic Book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" Dale Carneggie said:

"Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language."

-Dale Carneggie

In the book Dale Carneggie recounted several case studies where calling people by their name, their proper name gives a really lasting impression.

Coca Cola has been declining in sales for the past 11 years. Until they rediscovered and implemented this concept of "names" into their marketing campaign.



"The company’s ‘Share a Coke’ campaign -- in which Coke bottle labels were personalized with 250 popular names, in addition to various terms of endearment, including ‘Bestie’ and ‘Wingman’ -- has reversed a downward sales trend that has plagued the company for the past decade, according to The Wall Street Journal."

You can read more about the thinking about Coca Cola's campaign on:

This Clever Marketing Campaign Reversed Coke's 11-Year Decline in Soda Sales


Can you think of ways you can use the concept of "names" in your business?

Such as using it on your email campaign, tagging customers to social posts that might be relevant to them, or learning about their "real name" and using it instead of their nick name.

In the same book Dale recounts a story of a salesman calling a loyal customer on the phone and calling him by his hard to remember even harder to pronounce foreign name. That brought the customer on the other line to tears, remembering where he's from and how's journey to migration had been a triumphant and arduous one.

Hit the comments below and let me know what you think.
Do it now!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

1 Business Power Question by Dan Kennedy that will Open the Treasure Trove

Before I begin I'm enthusiastic to announce that in the days and weeks ahead I'll be sharing from the world's greatest business and marketing experts.

So sign-up to this site to keep yourselves updated and receive exclusive business and marketing strategy worksheets.

One of the things that you will like about this site is that I will distill marketing concepts down to where they are actionable. Where you can take action immediate and test and see for yourselves if it works.

Below is a video of the Great Dan Kennedy explaining the "1 Business Power Question that will Open the Treasure Trove"

Why should I do business with you versus any and every other option out there including doing nothing?

- Dan Kennedy

Dan suggests us to:

Actionable > Write it up on a 4 by 6 card and place it in front of your desk so that you can see it everyday

And reminds us that:

It will take some time to sink in and answer it really good

That it is super important because:

It is the golden key to the treasure drove

Unique Selling Proposition it is called by many names:

Unique selling proposition
Unique value proposition
Competitive value proposition
Extra Value Proposition

It's so powerful that in the case of Domino's Pizza it changed:

The owner's life
His business

Domino's Pizza
You get fresh, hot pizza delivered to your door 
in 30 minutes or less or it's free.

Other great USP examples:

The Best a Man Can Get

Jet blue airline
JetBlue offers flights to 80+ destinations with free inflight entertainment, free brand-name snacks and drinks, lots of legroom and award-winning service.

Dutch Boy Paints
Fun, inspirational, colorful! Dutch Boy is an industry leader in delivering high-quality paints & innovative paint color solutions. Since 1907, Dutch Boy has ...

Safelite AutoGlass
If you have a broken windshield you may need a repair or replacement. Trust America's auto glass experts Safelite® - call us 24 hours a day or book an ...

Mast Brothers Chocolate
“we’re from the 18th century, back when craftspeople were revered and took pride in working with their hands.”

My usp for my marketing consulting:

Grow Your Business Without Spending More Money In Advertising!

It is so important that in my system I put on the very first place because without it there will be wastage in:

  • not delivering a convincing message in your advertising
  • your staff and you not being clear on what your customers really want you to sell to them
  • waste in your communication
  • waste in your business' potential PR value
  • waste in convincing potential business partners

It's throwing money in the waste basket if you advertise before you have this nailed down.

In certain case studies of businesses developing a USP and communicating it to their customers the difference is night and day.

Let me help you > Email me with "USP worksheet" at "" and I will send you a copy of my comprehensive USP development worksheet.

How to turn your business features into power punch "Kapow" benefits

In the video below Hidden Marketing Assets Expert Richard Johnson enthusiastically discuss in a clear, power punch, booming excitement way the Hidden Marketing Asset System.

Where he gave two powerful case studies wherein he translated his client's product features (a PHD degree for the first one) into strong irresistable "power punch kapow" benefits that customers just can't help but submit to (happily:).

The PHD degree into a very powerful guarantee unlike anything else in it's category.

I believe that if we masterfully listen and comprehend this wonderfully enlightening concept we will be able to translate any business feature into a power punch benefit in a lightning fast way.

What do you think of the video?

Hit the comments below and give your two cents!
Do it now :)

Can you see how you can do this for your business?

How you can translate business features into customer benefit?

Such as a guarantee.

Again hit the comments below and give your two cents!
Do it now :)