Wednesday, November 5, 2014

6 Power Guide Questions into Crafting Your USP

1) “Why should I choose to do business with you, over all the other choices I have, which includes the choice of doing nothing at all?”  ~ Dan Kennedy 

It's not an easy question. It's something Dan suggested that you write in a 4 by 6 card and post in your desk to ponder continuously

2) Will this message stand out in the Yellow pages?

What benefits does my product or service offer that my competitors don’t?

Most probably in your industry there are norms and common pratice and also common product/service features

A strategy is to cross out every feature/benefit that you have that is similar to what your competitors have and focus/optimize/highlight what makes your business different from your competitors.

3) Why you got into business in the first place?

What moves me?  What’s my mission?

Chances are there is some deep reason why you got started into business.

And see if some of these reasons could translate nicely to your business message.

These reasons might even be a nice story for your local paper to feature.

4) Do you as a business owner have some expertise you can highlight? Credential?Special awards?

Any staff member that might have unique abilities?

The way to make use of it better than just stating it is to transform these Expertise, Credentials, Awards into benefits that talks right to your customer.

Special Patent does that mean can you guarantee your results?

Awards does that mean that people trust and have gotten results working with you. Perhaps you can get testimonials from past clients.

Credentials does that mean you are better than your competitors. Does that mean you know some things that your competitors don't.

5) Do you have a Bold Claim?

A guarantee?

Can you offer a 100% money back guarantee? Does this make you unique?

6) Are you stating specific number?

"765 happy users" is better and more persuasive and more trustworthy than "Many happy user"

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